Return Policy

I want you to love True Skin Beauty! If you’re not satisfied with a product for any reason, request a return or exchange within 30 days of the purchase date.

Don’t love a product or its results? I’m here! Schedule your skin consultation so I can listen, ask, and, ultimately, cultivate the healthiest skin care routine for you. Want unlimited, annual, skin care guidance – with me as your own, personal, on-call aesthetician? Start your Concierge Membership today!

I’m here to help you achieve your healthiest, most beautiful you.

Returned products may not be altered and must contain over 50% of the product. True Skin Beauty reserves the right to deny the return or issue a store credit if the item is not returned complete with original packaging.

You may return or exchange up to three individual items in a 365-day period. After three returns or exchanges, you may make another once 365 days have passed from the date each individual return or exchange was processed.